Dean's Message

Dear Students / Prospective Students,

Today, when change is inevitable, the existence of manpower equipped with knowledge, skills and competencies is of great importance for countries to continue their economic, social and political development. One of the most important missions of universities is to contribute to the training of the human resources needed by the country. Doğuş University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences has been doing its part to fulfill this mission, and will continue to do so, thanks to the quality and contemporary education it has been conducting for 25 years.

Our faculty includes Economics (Turkish and English), Business (Turkish and English), Political Science (Turkish), International Relations (English), International Trade and Business Administration (English) and Management Information Systems departments. In all our departments, we continue our education with the awareness that student success is largely based on competent and experienced faculty members, a curriculum suitable for the requirements of the age and the country, strong student-faculty member and administrative staff communication.

Since internationalization is an important strategy for our country, we offer some opportunities to our students who want to gain experience abroad. In this context, we have bilateral exchange agreements with universities in many countries from Asia to the Americas, as well as the Erasmus agreements we have made with the leading universities of Europe. In addition, Double Major and Minor Program options are offered for our students who want to grow up as versatile individuals and pursue a second career in a discipline different from their field of study and obtain a second diploma and/or certificate.

Scientific and social activities are organized in order to prepare the students of our faculty for the future and to make them useful individuals for the society, and to improve their relations with the private sector, public sector and social aid and service organizations.

Finally, we should point out that; We believe that our graduates will make significant contributions to the human capital of our country in the future as they have done in the past.

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Nüket SARACEL

Professor Doctor Nüket SARACEL and Elif BİLGİÇ, Fatma TOPAL, Gözde TEZER KOZAK, Hikmet KÜTÜKCÜ and Nil MADİ's published article: "Leadership Expectations of Generation Z Employees from the Perspective of Managers"

The article titled "Leadership Expectations of Generation Z Employees from the Perspective of Managers" written by Prof. Dr. Nüket SARACEL and Doğuş University Business Administration Doctorate Program students Elif BİLGİÇ, Fatma TOPAL, Gözde TEZER KOZAK, Hikmet KÜTÜKCÜ and Nil MADİ was published in Journal of Business Research, 15(2), 970-987.

