Introduction to cultural theories and criticism, "What is culture and theory?", Literary theories and criticism; Hermeneutics, reception theory, postmodernism, alienation, formalism; assembly and meaning, Marxist theory, Frankfurt School, commodity fetishism, consumer culture, ideology; cultural imperialism, political culture, semiology; codes, paraphrase, correctness, punctuation, straight-forward, intertextuality, structuralism, psychoanalytic theory; id, ego, superego, mit, condensation, Oidipus complex, sublimation; archetype, shadow, heroes, social theory; culture, popular culture, multiculturalism, anomie, holy and worldly; mass media, mass society, popular culture; everyday life, culture and social integration in Talcott Parsons' work; Durkheimists: Ritual, classification and holistic content evaluation of cultural theories.