Business Administration (Turkish) Courses

Introducing curriculum, functioning, units, regulations, systems and facilities within the scope of Orientation Program for new students enrolled to the university.

The social order, principals of law, hierarchy of law, branches of the judicial system, legal relationships and rights, law for financial tools, commercial law, individual rights, private contracts (leasing, franchising, factoring, forfaiting).


This course aims to enable students to improve their foreign language skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar with the help of materials that meet academic standards. This course also involves various applications in order to improve academic study skills. Furthermore, the lesson aims at improving thinking faculties of students, as well as encouraging them toward critical thinking and research by providing them with in-class and outside classroom activities.


This course includes the following topics: principles of business and economics, business ethics and social responsibility, global markets, business management and organization, entrepreneurship, marketing, human resource management, employee behavior and motivation, financial management and accounting, IT and e-commerce.

Sets and operations on sets, sets of numbers, algebraic operations, exponents and radicals, basic identities, linear equations, inequalities and systems of linear equations, matrices and operations on matrices, determinants and inverse matrices, solutions of systems of linear equations by matrices and Cramer's rule, introduction to linear programming, basic counting rules, permutations and combinations, discrete probability, functions, linear and quadratic functions and their graphs, concept of limits and derivative, applications of rate of change, exponential and logarithmic functions, indefinite integrals, computation by substitution, definite integral and its applications.

Defining social science and scientific method, early societies, culture, social stratification, the brief history and theoretical concepts of anthropology, the self and socialization, explaining the modern industrial society through Marx, Weber and Durkheim, definition and forms of the government, defining economy and its main concepts.

Defining modernity and post-modernity, main theoretical approaches to modernity, industrial revolution and its outcomes, Fordism and Taylorism, the sovereign consumer, consumer culture and globalization, post-modern city, over consumption, waste and the environment.

Essentials of microeconomics and macroeconomics: the economic problem; demand, supply, and price determination; theory of consumer behavior; theory of the firm; market structures; national income and its determination; problems of economic growth, unemployment, and inflation; macroeconomic policy tools.


The course covers written, verbal and non-verbal modes of communication pertaining to communication among individuals, groups and within organizations.

This course teaches students to identify the core issues and debates at the heart of political discourse.

After a brief beginning on the early modern developments and ideas, the course covers the era from the 18th century to the present, studying major cornerstones such as the Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the world wars as well as the major cultural, economic and political themes and events of the 19th and 20th centuries.


The course emphasizes the enrichment of our national culture through the study of how the languages were created, the analysis of the world languages from the origin and structural points of view and the status of the Turkish Language amongst the world languages. This course also aims at examining the historical development of the Turkish Language, Turkish Language structure, separating its words into their origins and suffixes, creation of words, examining problems associated with the expressions, writing petitions, preparing curriculum vitea etc. In order to support the objectives of the course various novels, poems and essay books are read and investigated.

The course will examine major developments in the world within the context of globalization. Special emphasis will be placed upon the relationships between globalization and politics, globalization and economy, globalization and poverty, globalization and culture, people’s flows of migration, as well as the role play by technology in the development of globalization. This course will also look at the impact of globalization on the environmental issues.


Demand; supply; and price determination; elasticity; theory of consumer behavior; theory of production and costs; determination of output level in competitive and non-competitive markets; pricing of factors of production; general equilibrium analysis.


Fundamental legal information about commercial law; commercial enterprise; companies and negotiable instruments

Descriptive statistics; fundamental concepts of probability; random variables; probability distributions (binomial; geometrical; hyper-geometrical; Poisson; normal and Student's distributions); sampling theory; point estimation and interval estimation.


Accounting as the language of business; financial statements; accounting records: the ledger; the journal; the trial balance; measuring business profit and completing the accounting cycle; adjusting entries and preparing the financial statements; accounting for merchandising activities; accounting for current assets; fixed assets and current liabilities.

The development of management theory; management functions and evaluation of management; environment; corporate culture and impact of globalization; decision-making: goal setting and planning; strategic management; planning tools and techniques; organizing and coordinating; human resources management; leadership; control.

To express the historical meaning and importance of Turkish Revolution. To analytically perceive: the changes that occurred in the Ottoman Empire since the 19th century and the reasons for the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire and attempts to prevent its collapse. To evaluate the preparation and war phases of the War of Independence after which Turkish nation gained its independence and maintained its existence, all in relation to the phases of the establishment of a new and modern state based on national sovereignty. To show the efforts made by the Republic of Turkey during the Atatürk period in creation of domestic and foreign policy and the efforts made and achievements gained in order to reach economic prosperity. To introduce students about the process and the steps made in the area of the creation of Turkish nation as contemporary civilization, which was reached through the revolutions in the social and cultural field. To explain Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's profile as a soldier, political leader, and reformist. Moreover, to introduce his theoretical ideologies and emphasize his position in the international community. Finally, to also understand his personal characteristics. To comprehend the Atatürk Revolutions in the direction of rational, scientific and national principles, and to raise awareness and develop students’ comprehension abilities of the current developments made within the Turkish Republic.


Inside the system unit, input/output and storage, system software, application software, the Internet and the WWW, computer networks, wired and wireless communication, privacy, crime, and security.

National income and models of national income determination; economic growth, unemployment, and inflation; financial institutions, fiscal policy; money and monetary policy; international trade and B.I.P.

Introduction to corporate finance, financial markets and interest rates, analysis of financial statements, financial planning and control, time value of money, break-even analysis, working capital policy, management of cash, accounts receivable and inventories, short-term financing.


Gain skills regarding the development of hypotheses, the collection of data with the use of the most appropriate research design, the analysis of data and the reporting of findings for the solution of research problems.

Definition of organizational behavior; perception process; personality and attitudes; motivation; learning; work groups; conflict and stress management; power and leadership; communication; decision making; organizational culture and structure; management of change; conflict management; culture.

Company and marketing strategy and the marketing Plan; the marketing environment; consumer markets and buyer behavior; segmentation, customer driven marketing strategy: creating value for taring and positioning strategies; products, services and brands; pricing, delivery and marketing communication strategies; strategies for gaining competitive advantage.

Financial markets and interest rates, time value of money, capital budgeting, project cash flows and risk, theory of capital structure, dividend policy, marketable securities, risk and rates of return, weighted average cost of capital, bond and stock valuation.


Cost terms and purposes, accounting control of materials, labor and overhead, job costing, process costing, operation costing system, joint and by-product costing, standard costing, variable costing, activity based costing, quality costs.


The course starts with the introduction of the information systems used in organization in detail. Then the core information system applications used to improve operational excellence and decision making is examined. The course covers fundamental analysis and design topics like building information systems, managing projects and managing global systems. Finally, the ethical and social issues raised by use of information systems are discussed.


The basic mathematical concepts such as probability, regression, linear programming, simulation, optimization theory is applied to transportation modelling, production planning, inventory management and project management.

Consumer behavior as a process, perception, learning and memory, motivation and involvement, values and lifestyle, forming and changing attitudes, marketing communications and persuasion, self-concept and personality, decision-making process, shopping, buying, evaluating and disposing, reference groups and opinion leaders, family, gender, age subcultures, social class, culture, new times and new consumers.

The first part of the lectures examines definitions, distinctions, and conceptual approaches to NGOs. The second part of the course analyzes the role of NGOs in transnational interventions, such as humanitarian aid, human rights, and global aid.


Aim of quality management; steps of quality management; important people on quality; quality control; quality assurance; quality improvement; quality management techniques; process management system; standardization; certification; awards; relation between quality and strategy; quality in service industry.

This course includes the following topics: creating a vision, internal and external environmental analysis, forming SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat), strategy development and selection, strategy implementation, control, evaluation and making changes.


Significance of sales management; sales management inside the marketing and promotional mix; strategy and sales management; selection; education; promotion and management of sales representatives; development of sales team; evaluation of sales performance; compensation and control of sales representatives.

Competition, design of services and goods, project management, supply chain management, production technologies, location analysis, human resource management, inventory management, work design and measurement.

Types of e-commerce; e-commerce infrastructure; development of Internet and World Wide Web and its importance in trade; business models for e-commerce: B2C; B2B; C2C; e-commerce marketing; e-commerce advertising; social network and communities; ethical; social; and political issues in e-commerce

Role of financial markets and institutions, interest rates, money markets, central bank system, bond markets, bond portfolio, risk measurement, stock market and stock valuation, mutual funds, bank sources, uses of funds and bank management, financial futures markets, options markets, foreign exchange markets, swaps.

Business law; labor contract; unionization; social security concept.

The students prepare a research projects in assigned subject including a literature review and survey.

The course will cover the following topics: Sub-functions of HRM, including recruiting process and interviews, career development and business laws case studies.

The role of entrepreneurs in business activity; problems involved in small business management; government policy and its impact on small businesses; technical and functional skills for small businesses management; personal qualities of entrepreneurs; development of business plans.

Place in the history; importance of technological innovation in technology and business Innovation; innovation management relationship with technology and innovation; relationship between invention and innovation; relationship between creativity and innovation; importance of innovation management; types of innovation; innovation processes; creative thinking techniques; research and development; intellectual property protection.


Definition of project/project management; components of project management; project organization; project scheduling; resource management; technology management; budgeting; tracking the project.

Introduction to international financial management, balance of payments, international payment systems, functions of foreign exchange markets, exchange rates and international parities, exchange rate forecasts, SWAP transactions, foreign currency options, foreign currency futures, economic exposure, transaction exposure, translation exposure.


Students are required to write and present a research project in order to qualify for graduation. The project will be written under the supervision of an advisor and has to be defended orally in front of a jury. Students are expected to prove that they can utilize the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their studies. The experience will furnish them with the opportunity to apply scientific methods; improve their written and oral skills.

Development of human rights; the understanding of modern human rights; United Nations; European Court of Human Rights; right to live; right to freedom and security; child rights.  


Introduction to global marketing; an overview of global economic; trade; political; legal; regulatory; social and cultural environments; global information systems and market research; global market segmentation; targeting and positioning; global market entry strategies; global product and brand decisions; global pricing decisions; global marketing channels and physical distribution; global marketing communications decisions; differences in marketing strategies under different trade laws; customs and regulations; interaction between trade and marketing.


What is international business? How does international business differ from domestic business? Globalization of markets and the internationalization of the firm, organizational participants that make international business happen, the emergence of born global firms and multinational companies, four types of participants in international business, the cultural environment of international business, key concepts of culture, political and legal systems in international environments, political systems, legal systems, government intervention in international business, instruments of government intervention, regional economic integration, the leading economic blocs, exporting and global sourcing, foreign direct investment, licensing, franchising and other contractual strategies.